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We must maintain hygiene even in schools. The classrooms must be clean, the toilets must be washed r...

People have different opinions and different opinions can be expressed differently. “I think”, “I be...

Cosmetics are harmful to our health. For us to avoid health risks, we wouldn’t be using these produc...

“As”, “in order to”, “since” can be used in a sentence to show “reason” a particular thing happened...

In the airport, there are high chances that English will be spoken from time to time due to the many...

Interrogative pronouns are for posing questions. There are five main interrogative pronouns. “Who” a...

Transport is the movement of people and of goods from one place to another. It can be by means of wa...

To show possession, we use an apostrophe and “s”. The possessive case ‘s’ is pronounced [s] when the...

Most singular nouns are made plural by simply putting an -s at the end. The correct spelling of plur...

Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Adverbs of place describe where an action too...

A contraction is two words made shorter by placing an apostrophe where letters have been omitted. Ex...

Plural nouns can be either regular or irregular. Regular nouns form their plural by adding an -s at...

We use reported speech when we want to tell someone what the first person said. It does not use spee...

Adjectives have comparative and superlative forms. When we compare two things we use comparative for...

Question tags are used to ask for confirmation. A positive statement takes a negative question tag....