To cook rice, wash the rice, then boil some water. Add rice into the boiled water and add some oil a...
“Some” is used for countable and uncountable nouns, and it implies “a fraction of.” It may be a larg...
A recipe is a list of instructions on how to prepare a meal. Condiments can be used in the process o...
Cooking is normally done in a kitchen. For cooking to take place, there is need to use various utens...
Some of traditional games are are played up to this day. An example of a traditional game is 'Awalé'...
Physical games are done outdoors while indoor games like cards are played inside a room and do not r...
A greeting is the first step in starting a conversation. This is what you say at the very first mome...
A possessive adjective is an adjective that is used to show ownership. It comes before a noun in the...
A classroom is a place where pupils learn and are taught. There are different activities that occur...
At school, there are different items that we can count. For example the pupils, teachers, desks, cup...
We can use questions to learn about numbers. At school, there are objects; we can ask people how man...
The family starts with you knowing your name. At home we have mother, father and children. They are...
At home we have rooms and objects : A bathroom is room to take a bath. A lamp is an object that uses...
At home we have mother, father and children. They are our nuclear family members. For example: My fa...
We are able to tell the time by using a clock or a watch. The steps to tell time from the clock: The...