Most people love to wear clothes that are in fashion. The opposite of “Fashionable” is “outdated”. N...
Some people love African attire, others love European shirts and other attire. And others are crazy...
Cosmetics may refer to those products we apply on our faces or hair so as to enhance our looks. Some...
Cosmetics are harmful to our health. For us to avoid health risks, we wouldn’t be using these produc...
A city is often referred to as “A concrete jungle”. In the city, we can find offices, supermarkets,...
Most cities are faced with the challenge of pollution. You will find heaps of garbage, streams of se...
Unlike the city, the village is a quiet and serene place. It is also not as crowded as the city is....
City people are less sociable than country dwellers. Those living in the country are more hospitable...
The movement of people from rural to cities is called “Rural-exodus”. People migrate to look for bet...
“What makes people leave the villages?” Most of the people live in poverty in the villages, so they...
Citizens of a country have rights. A right can also be called a privilege and it is usually accompan...
People have different opinions and different opinions can be expressed differently. “I think”, “I be...
Privileges are always accompanied by responsibilities. As a student, you have to come to school on t...
“As”, “since” and “because” are used to express “reason”. France won The World cup because they play...
Tolerance can be defined as patience towards one another without considering race, tribe or differen...