
Leçons de Anglais

Adjectives qualify or modify nouns in the sentence. They are sometimes used to perform the purpose o...

Who and which function as relative pronouns in a sentence or clause. This means that they are used t...

Where can play the role of adverb (where is the house of Miss Degnan?), Conjunction (Jered couldn’t...

The pronoun some is used for referring to an amount of something or to a number of people or things,...

Any is a determiner and pronoun used to refer to one or some of a thing or number of things, no matt...

The adjective "every" is used whenever we want to talk about countable nouns as a whole. It’s also d...

A reciprocal pronoun is used to indicate that two or more people are carrying out or have carried ou...

Sport is any kind of physical activity practiced for a specific purpose: money or being healthy. Pra...

Sport is any kind of physical activity practiced for a specific purpose, earning money or being heal...

There are many different places where people play sport! We can mention: field, Stadium, court, Diam...

Defined as an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive natur...

Phrasal verbs are groups of words in English, made up of a verb and either one or two particles. A p...

Such is a determiner; so is an adverb. They often have the same meaning of ‘very’ or ‘to this degree...

Comparatives are used to evaluate two things or entities and point out the superiority (long adjecti...

Superlative adjectives are used to describe an object which is at the upper or lower limit of qualit...