
Leçons de Anglais

A gerund is a verbal form that functions as a verbal noun. In English, a gerund has the same spellin...

Writing an article for a newspaper is a huge responsibility. The writer has to be more explicit, pre...

A virus is a very small infectious agent made up of a piece of genetic material enclosed in a coat o...

A connotation is an idea that a word makes you think about in addition to its literal/primary meanin...

A denotation is a translation of a sign particularly to its literal meaning, more or less like dicti...

A verbal phrase always consists of a main verb and its complements (modal verb, auxiliary, prefixes,...

Make a prevision or have expectations involves talking about the future. The auxiliary verb WILL is...

The reported/indirect speech is used to communicate what someone else said, thought, or believed, bu...

Writing an email to a friend or member of your family is simple. You just have to follow the differe...

Criminality refers to conditions and behaviours that the State has agreed, constitute crimes/offence...

Words can be combined to form compound nouns. These are very common, and new combinations are invent...

An idiom is an expression/word/phrase that has a figurative meaning understood by native speakers. I...

Affixes are words added to the root of words in order to change their meaning or their nature. Then...

The passive voice involves the person or object that experiences an action rather than the person or...

A determiner is a particular word used in a noun phrase to identify the number and the gender of the...