
Leçons de Anglais

The simple past tense, sometimes called the preterite, is used to talk about a completed action in a...

Skimming is reading a text quickly to get a general idea of meaning. Visibly, the objective of skimm...

Scanning is a reading technique where the reader looks for specific information rather than trying t...

A formal letter is one written in a formal and follows a certain stipulated format. Such letters are...

Human rights, defined as the conventional or universal privilege or rights people can benefit from a...

Many ideological concepts and practices had enriched black and white people's relationships causing...

The term Family is mostly used to refer to a whole made up of a father, a mother and children. In Af...

A name suffix in the Western English-language follows a person's full name and provides additional i...

A modal is a type of auxiliary (helping) verb that is used to express: ability, possibility, permiss...

An informal letter is usually between people who know each other fairly well. It is made up of three...

An electronic mail is one of the most widely used features of the Internet, along with the web. It a...

Any movement toward change will always come along with social disparities. When godliness fails to c...

Most developing countries experience “structural constraints” to development. We have high economic...

The worldwide economy clustering index refers to some countries as Third world countries: the set of...

Generally, There often are issues with food supplies and diseases in developing countries. A lack of...